Performance Expectations and Indicators for Education Leaders
The Performance Expectations and Indicators describe observable and measurable leadership actions required to improve teaching and learning for every student. Based on widely known concepts in the six ISLLC Standards for School Leaders (CCSSO, 1996), they provide the needed link and guide to implement broad policy standards in performance-based licensure, leadership programs and academies, formative evaluations, assessments, and career-long professional development plans.The first part of the document lays out the purpose: to build performance-based consensus and capacity of leaders and education systems for providing what every student needs to learn at high levels. As requested by constituents, the Performance Expectations and Indicators are the following:
- Timely about leadership actions and dispositions in accountability-driven policy contexts;
- Comprehensive, covering the array of responsibilities for student learning, school and district improvement, and system performance;
- Distributed across formal and informal leadership roles; and
- Developmental for individuals along a career continuum.
The document was written by state education agency leaders in the CCSSO State Consortium on Education Leadership, broadly informed by research and best practice, and reviewed by local administrators. Reviewers uniformly report that the Performance Expectations and Indicators are immediately useful and help bridge gaps among policies, programs, and practices.